Home Page 2024新奥门资料大全 News Center 2024新奥门资料大全 Jingsheng Is Listed in the Third Batch of Enterprises in "Eagle Action" in Zhejiang

Jingsheng Is Listed in the Third Batch of Enterprises in "Eagle Action" in Zhejiang

2024新奥门资料大全 Release time:2023-02-16 2024新奥门资料大全 Views:6012

Recently, the leading group of industrial transformation and upgrading in Zhejiang Province announced the list of the third batch of enterprises in "Eagle Action", and Zhejiang Jingsheng Mechanical & Electrical Co., Ltd. was on the list.

In recent years, Jingsheng, by putting its focus on the sustainable development strategy driven by the two engines, "advanced materials, advanced equipment", seizing the industry development opportunities, and actively participating in global competition, has become a global leading company both in photovoltaic equipment technology and scale, and a leading enterprise in 8-12-inch silicon wafer crystal growing and processing equipment at the domestic integrated circuit level, with international advanced large-size sapphire crystal growing technology, and has got free from foreign technology monopoly in many key parts, core auxiliary materials and consumables, maintained its leading edge, and made efforts in the third-generation semiconductor silicon carbide materials and equipment.